The Festive season is a time for families and friends to be together, to share experiences, aspirations, memories, trials and triumphs. It is also a time when we look back on everything that has been achieved over the past year.

I am extremely proud of the incredible commitment from all CEFA staff and associates during this past year. It is obvious that your many efforts are making a real difference in many the lives of many people. Without your dedication the numerous milestones that have been achieved this year would not have been possible. I pay particular tribute to our facilitators, assessors and mentors. Your tireless efforts have helped us to strengthen our services and reach out more effectively to those who need them the most. My sincere thanks go to our CEFA Board of Directors. With your support and inspiration CEFA has a strong plan and a clear vision; the future looks very positive indeed!

CEFA wishes all staff, facilitators, mentors, clients, donors, partners and their families and friends a blessed Festive season and a peaceful and prosperous 2017. This message applies equally to all our learners; your success makes our efforts worthwhile!

May everybody who has crossed our path in 2016, and every person who is associated with CEFA, experience peace and progress and may you be blessed. 2016 has proved to be a good year in which we have grown stronger. At CEFA we are all looking forward to an even more successful and exciting 2017.