Seasons greetings to you!
Looking back over 2014, it has been a stunning year!
I am grateful for this opportunity to wish all CEFA staff, facilitators, moderators, volunteers, donors, partners and their families and friends a joyful and blessed Christmas season and a peaceful and successful New Year.
This message applies equally to all our learners; your success makes our efforts worthwhile. May everybody who has crossed our path in 2014, and every person who is associated with CEFA, experience peace and progress – may you be blessed.
This September CEFA celebrated its 10th birthday. Over the past decade CEFA has worked hard to grow its footprint from a single delivery imprint in Wellington to a remarkable 53 delivery points across all nine provinces of South Africa – and so making a very real difference to the lives of many South Africans.
This year CEFA celebrates some very important milestones. A long-held dream came true when our first Community Development (SAQA NQF Level 5) learners were registered to embark on their journey of becoming the first recipients of this qualification. We were also privileged to announce the launch of my-eLEARNING, which is a convenient and easy-to-use platform that takes learning to the
doorstep of every South African. YOURCPD is an exciting new one-stop portal which will enable professionals from different occupations to register, learn more about accredited CPD events across South Africa – and book on-line for these events. Our website continuous to grow – and our Facebook has grown into a mature on-line communication pathway which is used pro-actively to communicate with learners and mentors.
As we look forward to the year ahead, we at CEFA are determined to do all we can to put South Africans of all persuasions and origins more firmly in the limelight of proud achievement through better education – through an applicable skill in a better life. We aim to carry on promoting the UN and South African Millennium Development Goals and Targets. Our Report this year will show where
we are on this road – and how we intend to carry on helping achieve a better life for all.
May you all have a happy and successful 2015.
Dr. Karien Lubbe