Good communication skills are an essential element in education.
Education is currently under the spotlight; with emphasis on matric pass rates and the values of mathematics and language. Developing a better life for all depends on unlocking human capital – and that depends on education. We need to grow our minds – and learn how to apply them in bettering the world in which we live. CEFA’s contribution lies in our well tested practical education that benefits our communities – ranging from Social Auxiliary Workers (SAWs) through Community Development (CommDev) to Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

At CEFA the Fourteenth of July (anniversary of the storming of the Bastille and the French Revolution) saw the registration of new learners at the beginning of their first cycle of training, along with the induction and orientation of their mentors. The second July highlight was the monitoring and verification visit of the Health and Welfare SETA, to verify the results of learners who concluded their studies at the beginning of the year. This included the first intake of learners of the Jobs Fund-Child Welfare South Africa project. Endorsement of the results is awaited, whereafter the certificates will be issued.

On 31st July we said goodbye to Mrs Daleen Otto. Joining CEFA first as a volunteer, Daleen Otto rose to become Manager: Teaching and Learning. During her time here she was a core contributor to teaching development – and to planning and implementation of the Social Auxiliary Work distance learning programme. Daleen became a ‘household’ name to the many learners with whom she had contact during the years in which she has been associated with CEFA. We are grateful for her contribution – and we wish her well in her future.

The second training cycle of our first CommDev programme learners, facilitated by Ms Mamoletsane Mota has been completed. Learners are currently undertaking the field practice training associated with the first three core modules – which are Book 1: Analyse and apply theories and approaches to facilitate community development interventions (including poverty, role of economics and economic
systems), Book 2: Critically assess the community development process – and Book 3: Develop a community development intervention plan.

training for the associated practicals was done by Dr Margie Maistry on 19th June; only 18 out of an expected 30 mentors attended. Since this is the first programme for this qualification, mentors will of necessity be supported and guided in order to make this a meaningful experience for all concerned. The next cycle of theoretical training will be from 21st August to 5th September; the mentor training is scheduled for 21st August.


HWSETA Verification: We wish to inform the learners who were verified in February 2014 that their certificates have been received. The certificates of learners from Oudtshoorn and George of the July 2012 intake will be informed by Ukuphela Training, George, when available. Learners from the Cape Metropole will be awarded their certificates at a ceremony, the date for which will be announced.

January & March 2013 intakes: Results of learners from these intakes were verified by the HWSETA on 31st July. Once we receive the letter of endorsement, a notice will be posted on CEFA’s Facebook page. The HWSETA Provincial Officer has undertaken to conclude this process expeditiously.

July 2013 intake: Learners from this intake wrote their summative case study examination on 16th July; first reassessment is due to be written on 13th August, the second 10th September. Once concluded, those who are eligible for the development plan will be identified, whereafter the moderation processes can commence.

October 2013 intake: These learners from Welkom and Bethlehem concluded their theoretical training for Cycle 3 on 4th July – and are currently busy with their practical training.

January 2014 intake: This intake’s learners are still busy with their Cycle 2 practical training – until 19th August.

July 2014 intake: Training for this intake of 305 learners is currently under way at ten training sites: Mossel Bay and Goodwood (WC), Stilfontein (NW), Kimberley and Upington (NC), Edenvale and Muldersdrift (Gauteng), East London (EC), Chatsworth (KZN) and Kroonstad (FS). However 84 of these learners still have documents outstanding and could, therefore, not yet be registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP). This process will be completed once the documents have been received.

January 2015: Dealing with enquiries for the January 2015 intake is in hand. NB: It is of concern to note how some applicants are trying to enrol incorrectly for the SAW qualification. Please note that:

Subjects certificates are not acceptable – and neither are any documents which are not original certificates; i.e. no document may be a copy of an already certified copy.

Prospective applicants for any of the qualifications offered by CEFA who are not in possession of the advertised minimum entrance qualifications, but who wish to go the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) route, should apply on the basis of the outcome of RPL conducted by an accredited RPL centre. Persons in possession of a foreign school qualification must have their certificate/s assessed by SAQA and pay the prescribed fee. (This is not a CEFA responsibility.)


Mentor Training
The mentor training linked to the July 2014 intakes for Cycle 1 is currently underway. However, the ‘catch-up’ mentor training for CWSA in the Eastern Cape planned for 6th August has been cancelled.

Project and Steering Committee Meetings
The team meeting of the CWSA Strengthening Social Welfare Workforce Project with CEFA Teaching and Learning management (as service provider for the SAWs training) was held on 27th May. The meeting took a hard, critical look at the lessons learned during the first 18 months of this three year
project; ways to redress the challenges encountered were explored.

At the conclusion of the Workforce Project meeting, Dr Smith (CEFA Manager, Teaching and Learning) was invited to report on training progress at the CWSA steering committee meeting for this project, on 29th May. Dr Smith’s report feedback was received positively – and he attended the full meeting, where both logistical and resource challenges of the organisation were discussed. A further 270 learners will be trained over the next 18 months, in order to meet the targeted total of training 500 SAWs.


CEFA workplace sites validation visits for private learners in the Western Cape are being conducted by Mrs Rosaline Claasens.

The purpose of these visits is to determine whether the settings for practical training are conducive for learning, as well as to ensure that each site setting meets the health and safety requirements. This is a requirement of both the HWSETA and the South African Qualifications Authority.


To all of you, from across the globe, who access our website or visit us on Facebook, we look forward to hearing from you. What sparks your interest in the practical training and career paths that we offer?

For those of you interested in our web stats, over the 25 days to 4th August.
1 022 visitors to our web opened viewed nearly 4 000 pages.

52% of our visitors were aged 25 to 34, 23% were 18 to 24 – and 13% were 35 to 44.

77% of our visitors were ladies – and on average they spent 5% more time on their visits
than the gentlemen.

The majority of site visits were from South Africa – followed by Kenya, the Netherlands, the United States, Brazil and other countries.

Our Facebook page is at – come visit and interact with us across
South Africa.

We look forward to meeting you!